David and Delight Diehl have faithfully served on staff at the Heritage Baptist Church in Lawrence, KS for more than 7 years. In October of 2013, the Diehls felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the foreign field of Panama. David, having grown up on the mission field of Mexico, is already fluent in the national language in Panama, which is Spanish. They were able to take a survey trip in 2014 and see first hand the great need and longing for the Truth. David and his family arrived in Panama in July of 2016 after 22 months of deputation travels. It has been their privilege to personally present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to several dozen Panamanians and help fill the pulpits of established ministries over 200 times in their first year on the field. It is their prayer to start a Baptist church in the an area of Panama City called Villa Lucre before the end of 2017.